Clinical research study for eosinophilic gastritis with or without eosinophilic duodenitis

Learn about the Engage clinical study
Is eosinophilic gastritis (EoG) with or without eosinophilic duodenitis (EoD) affecting your daily life?
This website provides information about a clinical study, Engage, for adults and adolescents who have EoG with or without EoD. Currently, there is no suitable long-term treatment for EoG. Considering this gap in treatment, the Engage clinical research study aims to assess the safety and efficacy of a study drug in treating EoG in adults and adolescents.
Clinical studies are essential to investigating potential treatments and are not possible without the people who take part. Everyone involved in this clinical study plays an important role in increasing our understanding of EoG, which may help others in the future with this condition.
Living with EoG may feel overwhelming, and you may feel that you have enough to do without committing to a clinical study. However, you can play a key role in helping to develop therapies that advance our medical knowledge of EoG. Every treatment that exists today is available because of study participants who actively took part in research.
Learn more about the Engage clinical study and see if it may be an option for you or someone you know.
Importance of Diversity
Diversity in clinical studies is necessary for improving our understanding of EoG. By participating in clinical trials, you can ensure you are represented. To learn more about the importance of diversity in clinical studies, please download the brochure below.